Instructions for Authors

The section comprises essential information about preparing and publication of short abstracts and papers.

Short abstracts

Authors are invited to submit abstracts, briefly stating the objectives, results and conclusions of their work to be presented at the Conference.

To submit your short abstract contribution, please begin by creating a user account on the conference website using the ‘Register‘ button. After completing the registration process, you can proceed to submit your abstract on your profile page.

Abstract Selection Process

The corresponding author (presenter) will receive an e-mail notifying them of the review process result by the end of February 2024. Accepted abstracts will be published in the Book of Abstracts.

Papers / Extended abstracts

Upon the acceptance of the short abstract, the participants are required to prepare the paper or extended abstract following the provided instructions in the template.

Template for preparation of extended abstracts or papers

The document should contain four pages. Save the paper/extended abstract as .doc or .docx file and submit it via profile page.

Publication of extended abstracts or papers

The conference proceedings will comprise extended abstracts or papers written in English.
Additionally, the Scientific Committee will select three best articles which, after peer review, will be published for free in Journal of Mechanical Engineering (Strojnícky časopis, ISSN 2450-5471, ISSN 0039-2472).

In case of any difficulties with accessing the System and submitting the abstract or paper please do not hesitate to contact us via email: